Artists sometimes feel conflicted by the notion of art promotion and success. To them, the threat is that big, heavy-footed Commerce will run roughshod all over sensitive, little Art (and stomp Artistic Freedom into the dirt). But as a multi-decade veteran of the art promotion and success game, I can tell you that Commerce, Art, and Artistic Freedom get along quite well.

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With art promotion and success, it’s always a good policy to remember that the idea of being a successful artist is a very relative notion.

I have granted myself permission to use a variety of techniques, as I want. Success is sometimes feeling that one isn’t categorized or confined and having the courage to promote whatever you do well.

In terms of my own hometown of Byron Bay, yes, I guess I have a certain amount of success here. People in this region are aware of me as an artist who has achieved aplomb in my career. On a state-wide level, yes, people are aware of my work. In Australia at large, I am aware that I am known, as I have won some rather important prizes and have exhibited nationally. I have received quite a bit of recognition for the work that I’ve done and for the promotion my work has had. I have also received some international recognition. I usually go to New York City every year to have an exhibition or to be involved in a lecture.

In my studio, the fact that I can create whatever I want feels like a successful accomplishment. I’ve been painting for the last couple of years, and now I’m involved in a series of sculptures and wall works using driftwood again. I’m enjoying promoting this work and have seen the success of this almost overnight.

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