Public Speaking

In terms of the subject of Public Speaking I can give you the following few tips, which can help with it all.

Firstly, I’d like to begin with a few practical suggestions.

Public speaking essentially is about the “Art of speaking”. Your voice is controlled by  muscles. You must warm up the muscles before you exercise, we may strain or damage  them, keep this in mind because it’s a very, very good way to start a lecture or to start any form of public presentation. The key to effective communication is:

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Number one. Use your voice to create feelings within people.

Two. Remember to use tonality.

Three. You don’t want to be loud or yell, – just have a good microphone.??To quieten people down: just go: “sh sh sh sh sh….”. This really works.

Or raise your voice. This is a fantastic way to get people’s attention. You can also do this by just going quieter.

There are other techniques you can also use during the course of a public speaking lecture. There is a technique called ‘Pattern interrupted’ which is like what I suggested above with the: sh sh sh sh sh…. or you can completely change the subject by going: “Can you smell that? Is that popcorn? “– This is a good example.

Sometimes when you use these particular techniques, they can have the ability to diffuse arguments and anger for example in a private conversation, or in a lecture – if people are getting distracted.

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