Public Speaking:
The unbreakable law of professional speaking is: If you do not know the purpose of your message, no one else will.??Also remember your physicality is a very important aspect of public speaking it doesn’t matter what level of public speaking you are engaging in.
Your look defines you. Market yourself correctly. Dress for success.??There are books that have been written about this particular component: Amazon books has a publication by John T Malloy, which is called: “Dress for success”. This is worth a read.
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Learn to read your audience.??Body language. There is a good book about this by Allan and Barbara Pearce called: “The definitive book on body language”. This is a good book to buy to really help you with this particular concept.??There is another book called: “Influence science and practice”. By Robert B Cialdini. Well worth reading as well.
The six influence pillars of speaking. Social proof and scarcity are the most utilised.
One. Law of reciprocation. Giving – if I give you something it makes you feel special.
Two. Law of commitment and consistency. What will set you apart is if you say you will do something and follow it up.
Three. Law of social proof. Testimonials, video newspaper articles, magazine articles, letters, (preferably signed with photographs). Audios with photos are also good. Videos are the best. With social proof 70% video 20% audio 10% written is really the statistics you are looking for.
Four. The law of liking, smiling is an influence, also match the handshake, follow fractionally after. This is a really good thing to learn: just matching people’s handshake- not being overly strong, or weak with the way that you shake the hand, just match where they’re coming from. This is a really good tool.
Five. Law of authority credibility.
Write your own book. This is a really good thing to have as a backend sale to your lectures and in your public speaking. I guide you through all aspects of how to write your own book in my seminars.
Six. Law of scarcity.
Seven. Engage your audience emotionally and intellectually.??* Logic doesn’t cause people to buy what you say, whatever shifts them is their emotions. Influence and persuasion is at work. Choose the right words.
Words trigger emotions – all industries have key trigger words whether they’re in their verbals or written text.