Art Seminars
Public Speaking: The absolute power of metaphors.
You can find your own metaphors, which serve your speaking engagement best. Once you have these in place you can weave the stories into a few as an introduction. This is called stacking. It’s a very effective way of bringing messages home and engaging your audience right from the outset. I might begin a lecture for example, using the metaphor about the “X” factor, followed on shortly afterwards via the “Fast track highway to success”, just to really strengthen the message that I’m trying to convey.
Public Speaking: Learn to read your audience.
As an artist giving a public presentation such as public speaking engagement, I have been aware from the onset that it wouldn’t impress anyone if I had arrived on the stage looking slouchy. So rather than turning up in my paint-splattered overalls just to make a point, I do quite the opposite.
Public Speaking: What makes speakers boring???
The unbreakable law of professional speaking is: If you do not know the purpose of your message, no one else will.??
Also remember your physicality is a very important aspect of public speaking, it doesn’t matter what level of public speaking you are engaging in.??
Your look defines you. Market yourself correctly. Dress for success.??
Public Speaking: The key to effective communication
There are other techniques you can also use during the course of a public speaking lecture. There is a technique called ‘Pattern interrupted’ which is like what I suggested above with the: sh sh sh sh sh…. or you can completely change the subject by going: “Can you smell that? Is that popcorn?“– This is a good example.
Public Speaking
Public speaking essentially is about the “Art of speaking”. Muscles control your voice. You must warm up the muscles before you exercise, we may strain or damage them. Keep this in mind because it’s a very, very good way to start a lecture or to start any form of public presentation.
Artist Statement 1 on Creating Products
If you document your lecture or your public speaking engagement you’ll be doing a few things at once. Firstly you will be creating an archive, which is irreplaceable. This archive can be converted into a DVD in a reasonably simple manner at your own computer. This DVD once produced, can then be either sold at future speaking engagements or through your website. I can’t stress enough how important it is.
Artist Statement on Public Speaking 8
Speakers need to be able to sell what it is they’re speaking about. This can range from information about modern art, or about sculpture for example.
You need to understand that when you are standing in front of an audience delivering a lecture, making a public speaking engagement, you are selling whatever it is you’re speaking about.
Artist Statement on Public Speaking 7
In one sense your topic is already defined. How do you make yourself unique given that the above is true? It is important to remember that whether you’re an artist, a student, a bureaucrat in the arts industry, everyone has their own unique story to tell, this is simply because everyone is different and has had different life experiences that brings them to the point where they are in their lives.
Artist Statement on Public Speaking 6
You can use a number of methods in your public speaking engagements. I have one called the “Fast track highway to success” for example, which I articulate through a series of diagrams, how easy it is to get sidetracked when you’re doing a project and get lost, only to eventually find yourself back on the superhighway way behind your competition.
Artist Statement on Public Speaking 5
Also look at NLP techniques, these teach you the effective use of communication psychology.NLP is a pattern of speaking. There are no “ums” and few “buts”.
Justice O’Connor has produced two books called: “Introduction to NLP” and “Selling with NLP”. Also good reference books on the subject. Human beings minds like to fill in the gaps.