Artist Success
Artist Tips
Artist tips to help with managing emotions and having persistence.
Never place a call or send out an email when you are emotional. Email is a volatile communication form.
Art Businesses
Be resourceful with your art businesses.
Artists should think both creatively and responsibly about supporting their income. I wish to instil the importance of flexibility in today’s economy and the benefits of a multi-tiered income stream to support artistic activities. A multi-tiered income stream is not a compromise – it is an intelligent means to continue to practice what you love.
Selling Art
Selling art effectively means managing your time and also means placing a value on it.
Managing your time also means placing a value on it. I set aside time for silence and space. Do not assume that packing as many shows into a year is the right use of time.
Successful Artist
A successful artist is accountable.
You ALONE are responsible for your success. How you respond to the challenges you face is entirely your responsibility.
Having Success as an Artist
Having success as an artist is when they how to manage their time.
You need to become very aware of how you organize your workday. Make full use of the time that you have on this planet. When the hours of the day have passed, they are gone.
Art Tip
A great effective art tip is: Your willingness to go the extra mile will determine your success. Your willingness to go the extra mile will determine your success. Not only do you deliver when you say you will, but you deliver with enthusiasm. You do not stop at “good enough.” The law of reciprocity exists in the art business.
Art and Business
With art and business, know what you want and set goals.
Visualize what it is you are seeking and what you expect out of your creative business. Artists all to often enter this business environment without knowing what they want or what is possible. When you are sitting alone in your studio and you’re wondering why you’re not having any success, have you ever asked yourself how much you’re willing to sacrifice for that success? Success often requires hard work and sacrifice. The degree to which you’re willing to go will be entirely up to you. Think carefully about what you really want to accomplish and set some goals to help you get there. If, for example, you want to have four exhibitions a year, start planning for them. Make the necessary connections. Have a target and set your goals.
Successful Artists
Successful artists focus on creation, not on romantic notions of having created, then sitting back with a few glasses – or a few bottles – of wine to revel in it. Though this sort of behavior may work for awhile, a truly successful artist lives for the work. And the work, in the end, is most intoxicating thing of all.
Art and Good Business
Too few artists think of themselves as businesspersons. But art and good business go hand-in-hand: by practicing the art of good business, we sustain a lifetime as a practicing – and prospering – artist.
Artist Help
A lot of artist help has to do with technique, but what about self worth, the sense that your art is worth making – not to mention selling – in the first place? Surprisingly, the best source of this most valuable form of artist help that I’ve found comes not from the art community but from a nuclear power plant repair specialist.