Art Marketing, Art Seminars, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success
In one sense your topic is already defined. How do you make yourself unique given that the above is true? It is important to remember that whether you’re an artist, a student, a bureaucrat in the arts industry, everyone has their own unique story to tell, this is simply because everyone is different and has had different life experiences that brings them to the point where they are in their lives.
Art Marketing, Art Seminars, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success
You can use a number of methods in your public speaking engagements. I have one called the “Fast track highway to success” for example, which I articulate through a series of diagrams, how easy it is to get sidetracked when you’re doing a project and get lost, only to eventually find yourself back on the superhighway way behind your competition.
Art Marketing, Art Seminars, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success, FAQ
Also look at NLP techniques, these teach you the effective use of communication psychology.NLP is a pattern of speaking. There are no “ums” and few “buts”.
Justice O’Connor has produced two books called: “Introduction to NLP” and “Selling with NLP”. Also good reference books on the subject. Human beings minds like to fill in the gaps.
Art Marketing, Art Seminars, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success, Start Here
There is a key factor at work here and that is unique to trigger your audience and emotionally. Let’s go through it step by step.??
One. First thing is to secure the audience’s attention.
Art Marketing, Art Seminars, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success
Your look defines you. Market yourself correctly. Dress for success.??There are books that have been written about this particular component: Amazon books has a publication by John T Malloy, which is called: “Dress for success”. This is worth a read.
Art Marketing, Art Seminars, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success
One. Speaking is more than just words. Activate curiosity.??
Two. Connect on the emotional level. There are six psychological pillars.??
Three. Imprint thoughts in their minds. Leave a vision on their minds.??
Four. Use language that empowers. Be clear and positive.??
Five. Provide relevant information.??
Six. Make a great use of people’s time.??
Art Marketing, Art Seminars, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success, FAQ
Public speaking essentially is about the “Art of speaking”. Your voice is controlled by muscles. You must warm up the muscles before you exercise, we may strain or damage them, keep this in mind because it’s a very, very good way to start a lecture or to start any form of public presentation.
Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success, Selling Your Art
My challenge as an artist is to take these found objects, which might on first meeting have no apparent dialogue and to work with them until they speak and tell their story.”??
This work was made from found driftwood objects collected from Australian beaches. ??From the artist statement; “My creative medium changed to found art as a result of one such ‘accident’ in 1997. I was collecting driftwood, on a remote Victorian Coastline, with the intention of making furniture and stumbled upon vast amounts of plastic ocean debris. A whole new palette of colour and shape revealing itself to me immediately affected me.
Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success, Start Here
One can picture Dahlsen as this peculiarly animated creature bobbing up and down along the beach collecting, sorting and imagining, then leaving with the spoils to construct another day.
The artist mimics the activities of sea birds as they go about their existence jabbing, picking, chasing and prying. The work is physically demanding; so much to see and collect!
Dahlsen’s work is alchemical in that found objects are transformed from the mundane to the extraordinary and mystical. In between is the artist’s aesthetic intuition and determined will. He encourages us to see beauty in the ordinary.
Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success, FAQ
If you have never written out a marketing plan, the task most likely sounds daunting. A sound marketing plan however, is a great way to increase the success of your business and helps you to make informed decisions around purchases, networking, events, and promotions throughout the year.
Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips, FAQ, Selling Your Art
If you’re organising your own show (in an alternative space, rental gallery, student gallery, etc.), then you’ll probably be on your own to design and print your postcards. They are great for advertising shows, but also to put into your promotional material that you send to galleries. To create an effective postcard, start with a great photograph of your work.
Art Business, Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips
As an artist, you are your brand. You should treat your approach to business development just like any other organisation that works to strengthen its brand over time, testing it in the marketplace and discovering what works.
Art Business, Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success
In addition to sending press releases, the media’s attention is also grabbed by a strong, concise, convincing pitch in their inbox on or their voice-mail. The pitch is a two-three-sentence idea for a story that you are feeding to one editor at a time.
Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success, FAQ
1. Ask yourself what your goals are before you go to an event. This will help you pick groups that best suit you. Some meetings are based more on learning, making contacts and/or volunteering, rather than on strictly making business connections.
Art Business, Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips, FAQ
The web has been known for issues of infringement related to images on social networking sites, the most common example of which is the use of images taken from these sites in advertisements, without permission.
Art Business, Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success, FAQ, Selling Your Art
I just graduated from art school. How do I break into galleries?
As I any profession, you have to begin at the beginning, and in the art world that means showing your art pretty much anywhere anyone will have you.
Art Business, Art Marketing, Artist Success
Sometimes the challenge is not selling your work, but convincing people that they should buy anything at all!
Art Business, Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success
With proper planning, your anxiety about the outcome of your goal will be replaced by directed activity. Practice developing an action plan for a single short-term goal.
Art Business, Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips, Artist Success
When an editor or a journalist receives a release in their inbox or finds it on an online press release database, they understand they will not have exclusive rights to this news and that, in fact, this release has been sent to dozens or hundreds or even thousands of contacts. It is also understood that if a publication or blog wants to use the content of this press release, they can borrow it word for word. This is why it’s important to spend hours poring over your release, crafting quotes and fact checking your information.
Art Business, Art Marketing, Artist Help & Tips
There are entire books dedicated to the science of getting press coverage, all of which are subject to obsolescence with every passing day due to the chaotic and ever-changing media landscape.