Art marketing is a challenging puzzle for established veterans, let alone emerging artists. Like any puzzle, though, it’s best to assemble your art marketing strategy one small, manageable piece at a time.

Art marketing for emerging artists

If you are an emerging artist, set reasonable expectations. While no one gets very far without a certain amount of ambition, it’s important to realistically structure your approach to getting what you want. Begin by contacting your local galleries and people you know in the arts community. You can eventually reach out regionally, nationally and even internationally, but start slow, sensibly and thoughtfully. Sometimes it’s best to begin by joining artist initiatives and participating in group shows. Networking is one of the strongest ways to establish your presence in the art world. Attend openings and get involved in the art world in general.

If you are having trouble getting shows, it might be advisable to occasionally rent a space or approach a local café and ask if you can have your work on their walls. You can choose to offer them a small commission if they happen to sell the work. These types of exhibiting opportunities can help to get started and are not to be frowned upon, especially at the beginning of your career.

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