In challenging economic times, or in markets saturated by fundraising events, a good art tip to know is that the charity auction can be a dicey exploration. You need to have a clear head about why you are participating.
Try to submit work to causes that are close to your heart. This way you’ll feel genuine about wanting your work to sell and for supporting the organisation.
While charity events can be great marketing opportunities for you, the mix of people who attend include people with no interest in art as well as, potentially, the serious collector. Anything is possible, just be sure to manage your expectations.
If the event goes badly and/or your work doesn’t sell, do not take it to heart. The people in the room are not necessarily there for art and some have no interest in it at all. Get behind the cause and let your clientele know that they can attend the event and support a cause that’s meaningful to you AND have an opportunity to bid on your work.