Art Marketing Test
Reflections On Direction #1
This can help with future directions and can also act as a signpost for yourself about important and pivotal times in your career, times which you may want to elaborate about clearly in lectures or in your own writings about your work.
An outline for a good media strategy to market your art.
Your website is your most important outreach tool to market your art. It should be a place where you can send clients, potential clients, and reporters to get exciting images of and information about you and your work.
Arts marketing and public relations.
Your website is your most important outreach tool to market your art. It should be a place where you can send clients, potential clients, and reporters to get exciting images of and information about you and your work.
Marketing the arts and the components of an artist’s successful CV and promotional material.
A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is your opportunity to market your arts successfully and list all of the shows in which your work has appeared, as well as to reference private collectors and museums that have purchased your work. A resume and a CV are often very similar, but a resume tends to be one or two pages, while a CV is comprehensive.