I believe that when we are in a survival mode only, the necessity for art is diminished. I think our early ancestors were probably more fixated on providing the next meal as opposed to creating beautiful pictures with whatever materials they could find. This came later of course, as we see in rock art from the indigenous people in Australia for example. But the very early cavemen probably were more preoccupied with survival.

This also has correlation with mankind today on some levels, as we see that those people who live reasonably affluent lives, are generally more inclined to appreciate art and are more likely the kind of people who do not wish to live without art. It seems all through history it has been like this, with the more wealthy elements in our society appreciating and fostering artistic endeavours.

Is it an intrinsic part of our physique? Yes and no. I know it’s an intrinsic part of my physique, but some of my best friends are not the least bit interested in art on any level. This is very interesting to me, something that I’ve learnt to appreciate. I don’t expect people to have the same appreciation for art as I do and I have made a point of not mixing in art centric circles exclusively, simply so that I have a good variety of influence in my life.

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