Every successful artist is an accountable artist. They own their achievements. They hold themselves responsible for failure. They are the captains of their own ships, handing the wheel off to no one. A successful artist sets out to sea committed to the journey, the destination and to navigating it all by their own stars.

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A successful artist is accountable.

You ALONE are responsible for your success. How you respond to the challenges you face is entirely your responsibility. No one else is going to obtain success on your behalf. Likewise, there is no one else to blame for your lack of success except for you.  You will find it a relief to embrace this fact.  You are now in a position to guide your efforts toward success.

How committed are you to your success as an artist? You need to find the belief inside yourself that you will be fully committed to your success under all circumstances. Your commitment requires that you not spread your energies too thin by working in a number of different jobs to try to make ends meet. This usually does not work. Be focused, and make a total commitment to your success.

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