Environmental Art Commission
John Dahlsen has been developing his work over the years, to include a wide variety of expression, – suitable for inclusion in major collections and for placement in significant locations. He is available for commissions from architects and designers for both small and large projects, and has a faultless track record in being able to work well with a team on projects of all sizes.
His work has been both commissioned for and is featured in, public and private collections in Australia, Japan, Europe and the United States. Invitations and commissions continue to be numerous, to exhibit and make major private and public artworks for this contemporary Australian visual artist.
For information in regards to purchasing any of the unsold works seen on this website, or if you require further information in regards to commissioning new work from the artist, please use the e-mail address provided at the bottom of this text. Alternatively you can write to the artist directly at this address:
John Dahlsen P.O. Box 897 Byron Bay N.S.W. 2481 Australia.
Telephone contact:
Ph & Fax: +61 (0)2 – 66 855 965
Mob: +61 (0)411 – 705313
Depending upon the request, more detailed images can be sent in the form of photographs, on CD or by e-mail.

The Guardian
Commissions and public art activities Include:
* Commonwealth Bank Commission Sydney
March 2011 saw John being commissioned by the Commonwealth Bank to create a major sculpture for their new HQ, from objects collected from the annual Clean up Australia campaign in Sydney.
* Public Art in Queensland.
A major public art work was unveiled in Brisbane. Titled “The Guardian”, This 10.5 metre high sculpture made from recycled materials, has been enthusiastically embraced by the Brisbane community.
* The Powerhouse Museum, Sydney
The Powerhouse Museum commissioned John to create 2 major works, which are now featured in a semi-permanent exhibition at the Museum. Called; Eco- Logic, the exhibition showcases ecologically sustainable practices. John also presented a proposal for a public outdoor sculpture for the entrance to the Powerhouse Museum, which was enthusiastically received by the Powerhouse Museum Board.
* Absolut Dahlsen
John has successfully negotiated with the company representing Absolut Vodka, who commissioned him to make a large sculpture/Installation based on the Absolut campaign. John joins such renowned artists as Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Francesco Clemente and Damien Hirst, who have been commissioned to create artworks by ABSOLUT of Sweden. He exhibited this work at the 2004 Sculpture By the Sea Exhibition in Sydney. This sculpture is now on semi permanent loan to the Gold Coast City Art Gallery Queensland Australia.
* The United Nations Headquarters in New York
The U.N. project, initiated through John’s involvement with the Clean up the World organisation, was to incorporate many of the participating nations in the annual clean up program, sending shoeboxes full of plastics to John’s studio, where he was to assemble a multi coloured artwork (mimicking the multi-coloured flags of the world). The artwork involved world wide participation and was to be installed at the entrance of the United Nations Headquarters.
Due to more recent events in the USA, this project has been awaiting further development. more…