6 Totems in the Park John Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:14:34+00:00 6 Totems in the ParkJohn Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:14:34+00:00
Office / Boardroom John Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:14:49+00:00 Office / BoardroomJohn Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:14:49+00:00
Untitled Plastic found object Public Art John Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:14:45+00:00 Untitled Plastic found object Public ArtJohn Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:14:45+00:00
Resin Totems In a Public Park John Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:13:04+00:00 Resin Totems In a Public ParkJohn Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:13:04+00:00
Multi Coloured Resin Totems John Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:12:59+00:00 Multi Coloured Resin TotemsJohn Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:12:59+00:00
Multi Coloured Resin Totems In a Public Park John Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:12:54+00:00 Multi Coloured Resin Totems In a Public ParkJohn Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:12:54+00:00
Surfboard Totems In a Public Park John Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:11:56+00:00 Surfboard Totems In a Public ParkJohn Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:11:56+00:00
Exteroir Floor Piece John Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:07:57+00:00 Exteroir Floor PieceJohn Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:07:57+00:00
Stairwell proposal John Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:11:51+00:00 Stairwell proposalJohn Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:11:51+00:00
Resin embedded panels for Public art John Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:10:10+00:00 Resin embedded panels for Public artJohn Dahlsen2019-06-27T06:10:10+00:00