Having Success as an Artist

Having success as an artist is when they how to manage their time.
You need to become very aware of how you organize your workday. Make full use of the time that you have on this planet. When the hours of the day have passed, they are gone.

Art Tip

A great effective art tip is: Your willingness to go the extra mile will determine your success. Your willingness to go the extra mile will determine your success. Not only do you deliver when you say you will, but you deliver with enthusiasm. You do not stop at “good enough.” The law of reciprocity exists in the art business.

Successful Artists

Successful artists focus on creation, not on romantic notions of having created, then sitting back with a few glasses – or a few bottles – of wine to revel in it. Though this sort of behavior may work for awhile, a truly successful artist lives for the work. And the work, in the end, is most intoxicating thing of all.

Artist Help

A lot of artist help has to do with technique, but what about self worth, the sense that your art is worth making – not to mention selling – in the first place? Surprisingly, the best source of this most valuable form of artist help that I’ve found comes not from the art community but from a nuclear power plant repair specialist.

Fine Art Help

Fine art help often comes directly from an artist’s surroundings. My passion for environmental art, for instance, might never have burned so brightly – or ignited at all – had I not unconsciously asked for fine art help from the cool waters of the sea.

Fine Art Tips

The best fine art tip for any artist, is to look within, find the small shining truth at your centre, and never, ever let it go. My core truth – my ultimate fine art tip – is that there is no separation between artist and environment. And that insight has led to some of the finest art I’ve ever created.

Making a Difference with Art

In essence, this is my way of making a difference. At the same time I’m sharing a positive message about beauty and what can be gained from the aesthetic experience of appreciating this work, as well as giving examples of how we can recycle and reuse and look at the environment in creative ways.

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