Artist Success
Artist Contracts
What do I need to know about contracts?
Legal issues will arise during your career. You might face disputes with curators who may have agreed to cover expenses for an installation but who later remembers that conversation differently.
Art Copyright
Your creative work is immediately copyrighted the moment you make it. Any author of an original work owns the copyright to that work. Only you have the right to derive works, such as prints, from your own work. This right remains with you even after your work is sold. The new owner has bought your work but not its copyright, unless you have transferred it via contract.
Tips for art networking.
1. Ask yourself what your goals are before you go to an event. This will help you pick groups that best suit you. Some meetings are based more on learning, making contacts and/or volunteering, rather than on strictly making business connections.
How to show art at a prominent gallery?
In order to show at notable gallery you and your art have to be a total match. The quality of your art is only one step in the process. There’s also your resume, your reputation, your profile and standing in the art community, how you are to work with, your previous sales history, the quality of critical reviews of your past shows and much more.
Artists getting into Galleries.
I just graduated from art school. How do I break into galleries?
As I any profession, you have to begin at the beginning, and in the art world that means showing your art pretty much anywhere anyone will have you.
Artists supplementing their sales
Should I make limited edition inkjet prints of my art?
Generally no, unless you’ve got significant name recognition and your art is in such demand that you can’t make enough fast enough to satisfy buyers – or that your originals have gotten so expensive, hardly anybody can afford them.
Artists selling in any economy
When consumer confidence is down, so are art sales. Even people who aren’t that impacted by the soft economy are hesitant to spend because they aren’t sure what lurks in the future.
What do buyers want to know about artists?
Whether at a private studio, in a gallery or in a museum, voyeurs and buyers alike want to hear and read about the artist they’re interested in. Information that buyers commonly seek may include:
Artists convincing people that art is worth buying
Sometimes the challenge is not selling your work, but convincing people that they should buy anything at all!
Artists preparing a budget for a grant application
A budget doesn’t come our of thin air, so before you start you must be clear about exactly what you’re going to do and how you intend to do it. That will help you create a list of project expenses.